Is it just a representation of an imaginative and desireful economy, or is there some other thing being produced here?
I give them legal advice and legal representation, and go to court with them and all sorts of things.
It's first of all a depiction of an underworld, and so it provides Milton with an important Christian representation of a hell.
The butterfly is the perfect work of art because it is both a representation and alive. It has eyes on its wings.
If we're going to write programs, we need at least two things: we need some representation for fundamental data.
And so let's take a look at what that does in terms of graphical representation.
But right now, what I want you to be thinking of a wave function as is just some representation of an electron.
because that's just not a good representation necessarily of what an average woman looks like.
Now, it's evident from the schematic representation or the way I've described the sanctuary that holiness increases as you move deeper into the sanctuary.
In fact,I've always been surprised at how broad the representation is.
This is a pretty dramatic representation of war.
So with that said, perhaps just to add to that, the fourth passage: "Beauty is the form of the purposiveness of an object so far as it is perceived in it without any representation of a purpose."
and what we do is provide legal representation for homeless people and poor people,
Now this isn't the first time that we have in Milton the representation of the turning of a person to marble.
So this is like your children's book representation of the Christian God, and there it is as a blinding white cloud. You wouldn't even need the curls and the beard if you just had the blinding and the white.
Now, what did I want to do? I wanted to check membership. I want to do search. Well that's simple. Given that representation and some value, I just say gee is it there?