I think it can because to me, it seems that it's very similar to the process of electing representatives for legislature.
It requires that governors, those representatives of those people have to be candid to the people.
The suggestion there is that one of the ways that we're God's servants and representatives on earth is to to a positive engagement of diversity.
The property rights are established and enforced by the government, which is a democratic government, and we have representatives to enforce those rights.
The Ark was a visible sign of his presence and it marched before them And soon after the conquest representatives of all of the tribes of Israel are going to meet and make a solemn covenant at Shechem to be the people of Yahweh, to worship him alone.
So, the king's representatives go out in the name of the king.
And often in response people who want to foster more positive views will often try to--will often put in representatives from other groups in unusual ways to make that point.
I was part of a huge conference last summer in West Africa on the end of the slave-trade in Ghana, and we had representatives we had people participating in that conference from 15 or 16 different African countries.
We do know, again, Thucydides is our source, that it was customary for colonies to send representatives back to the mother city for the religious observations that were common to them all, so that those create good feelings.
But still, it must be with his own consent, I.E. The consent of the majority, " giving it either by themselves, or through their representatives."
You're brought to the lab and you're listening to a tape recording of interviews with people who are described as possible representatives from your college to appear on a quiz show.
In an open society you have a recourse to address that through your representatives.
When I am trying to be and was first illuminated for me by figures like Dorothy Day is what Allah tells us in the holy Koran, which is that he made us to be his Abus and Khalifah his servants and representatives on earth.
In your book, "Acts of Faith", you talk about how you were tempted by this moral extremist, Paff, just because you saw so few representatives of your own tradition, you didn't know how to incorporate it into, you thought you had to choose between your Americanism and your faith.