So this is in part a catalog that represents the awakening of sensuality, the awakening of the body to its environment, to his environment.
cause I really, I do agree with, in love with the overall concept of what Miss America or Miss Universe represents.
Abel is a keeper of sheep. He represents the nomadic pastoralist, unlike Cain who is the tiller of soil, so he represents more settled urban life.
It's not simply that Galileo represents the admiring observer of Satan who is finally able to arrive at a just sense of his moral spots and imperfections.
The oil futures market is very significant because it represents the price of energy on dates into the future.
- Now the bottom-- the little underscore in the bottom right hand corner represents the blank tile and just as with my thumbs I would move 4 down or maybe 2 to the right.
This represents the free electron.
And there will be a little bit of history in there, but this is mostly modern chemistry and represents the basic properties of matter, and it's basic properties of all matter, including living matter, which was what really interested me, that connection between chemistry and biology.
Take a stick, bang it into the ground, hang on that stick a captured helmet, - by the way please get up, thank you - a captured helmet, or a captured corselet, something that represents the military equipment that the losers had that were left on the field.
Adeimantus If Adeimantus, again, expresses the appetitive part of the soul, Glaucon represents the quality that Plato calls spiritedness, or thumos in Greek.
So, you see the kind of language that Neal represents at the very beginning of the novel.
Yeats represents that moment of consummation as the plucking of the silver and the gold apples.
How--how much of a health improvement that represents depends in part on what the restaurant switched the Trans fat for.
But what does change, and what the battle represents is, of course, Poltava-- is that Russia's participation in European affairs had been totally minimal.
但真正带来的变化,以及这场战役的意义,当然了 是指波尔塔瓦战役,在于俄国在欧洲事务的参与度,一度微不足道
And the idea here is that the number 4 represents 40% chance of scoring if you shoot the ball to the left of the goal and the goal keeper dives to the left.
Now you may remember what Geoffrey Hartman had argued that the moon represents the power of divine providence, and there's a lot of ways in which this reading makes sense.