And so when we say something is exponential, we're talking about in terms of the number of bits required to represent it.
I think that if a classroom devolves to the point where physical force is required to gain control,
And third, they were required to put together implementation plan while they did the cost-benefit analysis to Merrill Lynch for offering this product to service.
So what we're saying here is the incident energy, so the energy coming in, is just equal to the minimum energy that's required to eject an electron.
They're required, every year, to go into the business, into one part of the business for a whole day and learn everything there is to know about that.
I want to just go over the requirements of the course that really are required, not the optional piece, just so that you understand what my purpose is pedagogically.
One of the things I want to emphasize, that I've not emphasized already, is attendance here in the lectures is very much required.
And we had the similar statement by Kelvin about the heat engine that required that some heat gets dumped into a cold reservoir in the process of converting the heat from the hot reservoir into work.
You are required only to put the one or two-letter chemical abbreviation, the symbol.
A creature is required who is distinguished in certain ways from other animals.
Another advantage of this model is students aren't required to live in Philadelphia.
Yes. Daily participation in language labs required.
A kilocalorie, and this is really what we--when people talk about calories, how many calories in food, it's really kilocalories that they're referring to, but that would be the energy required to raise a kilogram of water one degree centigrade.
Notably, it's typically required that it's one share, one vote and that there's it would be also required that there be an annual meeting-- at least once a year, a shareholder meeting-- and then the shareholders can vote on relevant issues.
RNA polymerase is smart, it knows where it needs to go in order to make the copy of RNA that's required.
It's required and... like in, in, because at Berkeley, the, the way the scheduling system works like...