The covenant also entails God's promise to restore the rhythm of life and nature and never again to destroy the earth.
Or you could look after the five, restore them to health but during that time, the one severely injured person would die.
It's possible to take the cation and anion and restore them to their neutral states.
But,he'd helped modernize the economy, and he did not restore the church to its old power.
Well, let's go ahead and restore this to, let's say, bubble.
So there is trying to restore it, they've been trying to restore it.
The answer lies in "a universal attribute of instinct and perhaps of organic life in general," that "an instinct is an urge inherent in organic life to restore an earlier state of things."
In some cells they're recycled, that is the cell is able to take up the neurotransmitter after it's released and restore it, but most often there are enzyme systems inside the pre-synaptic membrane where those neurotransmitters are synthesized.
When it looks like those kings are going to restore Catholicism, at least have lots of paintings of swooning cherubs, and Baroque Italian art in Windsor, and London, and these other places, then you've got a revolution.
Now,there was even a group of nobles who believed that they could be elected, that if you had an election people would actually vote to restore the monarchy.
He makes clear that he is going to restore the church to its, what he considered rightful place of privilege in France; and, possibly,he could benefit from the wave of religious revival that occurs in France in the 1870s.