It argues that the books must be exactly twenty-four, because Revelation 4:10 has twenty-four elders in God's throne room.
and she doesn't see it at all until right at the end when there's a denouement, sort of revelation,
Then she has this revelation where she is actually seeing who is going into heaven and it's all the people.
So according to John, the presumed author of Revelation, it's not poets who get to wed their songs to the soft voice streams.
Chapters 19 to 24 are very, very important chapters that contain the theophany, the self-revelation of God to the Israelites, and the covenant that's concluded at Sinai.
Except that the Revelation of John is still not part of the lectionary or canon in some Eastern and Middle Eastern churches.
In fact, this poem's power lies, I think, in its -not only its inability but its unwillingness to specify the content of that revelation.
Well, I think what we're led to believe, is precisely nowhere, in terms of revelation.
If you ever read the Book of Apocalypse--or Revelation -you know it's hellfire and brimstone, the day of judgment, damnation--election into the group of the blessed, and so on.
The point is that we both want to be in a place of revelation, where something that neither of us expected to happen will happen.
For both John of the book of Revelation and for John Milton, it's the superior male of the species that's been singled out for the glorious practice of sexual abstinence.
So, in her first minute of San Narciso, a revelation also trembled just past the threshold of her understanding.
Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
If you decide that you think Daniel is not scripture, or you think the Revelation of John is not scripture, just take it out of the box.
And Milton, or the Elder Brother here, is clearly thinking of Revelation 14, in which it's only the pure spirit or the virgin -- that can even begin to hear the new song being sung before the throne of God.
The word "revelation" is just the Latinized, English version of the Greek word apocalypse.
And some of them don't have the Revelation of John in their New Testament.
John the Divine had written in Revelation 14 -- you know this: and no man could learn that song but the one hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.
Then finally you get to the Revelation of John,The Apocalypse.
And in the group of poems that were assigned for a section last week, you saw Milton alluding to just this passage, although you might not have known it, in Revelation 14 whenever he would speak of the music of the spheres.
So it has that Revelation of Peter,again.
It would appear that Milton's suggesting that it's chastity that actually establishes something like a precondition for hearing and learning that inspired song that's actually sung before the throne of God in Revelation.
Now this allusion here in this verse epistle to his father is to a passage from the book of Revelation.
It has the Letter of Barnabus,the Shepherd of Hermas, the Acts of Paul,along with the Acts of the Apostles, and the Revelation of Peter.
In the Book of Revelation it's the number of the beast; it's the number of the devil.
This is from chapter 14 of the book of Revelation.