Poetic and practical language: you've already been hearing this in I.A. Richards and in the New Critics.
That is a course that I like to teach, too; usually I teach Plato to T.S. Eliot or Plato to I.A. Richards or some other important figure in the early twentieth century.
You are really out on a limb - if you're going to defend poetry--as Richards kept doing-- as "pseudo-statement," but of course pseudo-statement" is just another expression for what he calls here "fiction."
He says, sort of toward the top of the right-hand column, page 768: It is evident that the bulk of poetry consists of statements which only the very foolish would think of attempting to verify.
Richards To declare Science autonomous is very different from subordinating all our activities to it.
Later on Richards changes his vocabulary, and he no longer talks about scientific and emotive language.
It is in fact, Richards goes so far as to say, following Plato, lying.
As I say, this is the sense in which Empson follows Richards.
This is the intellectual focus, in other words, of Richards' work.
That could be the motto for Richards' work.
There, you see, he diverges from his teacher, Richards.
Just as Richards says, there's always something kind of archaic or atavistic about poetic thinking. It's not just that - it's not trying to tell the truth, as Sidney said-- "nothing lieth because it never affirmeth."
The reason this fulfillment is important and can be valued is, - according to Richards, that these needs-- unless they are organized or harmonized so that they work together in what he sometimes calls a "synthesis"-- can actually tear us apart.