Here's a candidate--here's an outcome with two entrants in it, an extreme right-wing guy and an extreme left-wing guy.
So Andy is our crazy right-wing guy and Sudipta is our crazy left-wing guy, everyone else is in between.
I am a right-wing Republican, and I like the fact that Obama has put into the White House Larry Summers, who's a ferociously smart human being and will try to do the right thing even if it offends some people.
Stand up my very left-wing guy, Sudipta, way at the end, and stand up my very right-wing guy.
So I want to go back again, now we're considering the line on the board as being flavor in beer, or location in a town, and I want to go back to politics now and go back to the interpretation we started with, so that left and right will end up being left-wing politics versus right-wing politics.