East Texas is right and now he's punching cows," and that was exactly right, and still I couldn't believe Gene could really have known Slim whom I have been looking for more or less for years.
You can say "this is where I am right now and this is what I'm going to do very, very soon."
Right now, I have to take that piece of code and replicate it everywhere I want in my larger file.
Didn't I know anything about turn about to right, but now I think I know enough to amuse them and to entertain them.
Well, I think the pressing example in the United States right now has to do with people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered.
- And now temperature in Fahrenheit -- 212 all right, let's go ahead and pick an easy one like 212, Enter, and indeed equals 100 in Celsius.
They still hold gold and right now the Federal Reserve System has about eleven billion dollars of gold.
All right, now suppose that I took these two paths and coupled them together.
So, if we talk about dissociating h 2, we're going from the h 2 molecule, and breaking this bond right in half, so we now have two individual hydrogen atoms here.
All right. Let's hope we can free our minds of these matters now and turn to something a little more substantive, which is the question--before we plunge in to Gadamer really: what is hermeneutics?
But as you get older and you have a lot of spare time, you think about what you are doing, which is something I have the luxury of doing right now, and I realized this is more tricky.
Final point then is...and we're not going to talk about salvation right now...but we're going to talk about the fact that the only supreme law is the will of God, because God is a creator God rather than a created God. He's imposed order, an order upon the cosmos.
Which is why you can travel right now to Turkey or Syria or Israel or Jordan or Egypt, and you can see excavations of towns, and it's remarkable how they all look so much alike, because they're all inspired by this originally Greek model of the city.
And right now, you know, we are working on a paper together which is helping me out a lot.
A lot of the stuff that goes on with the company is really organic right now and isn't necessarily formalized.
He claims to be studying and learning rather than producing right now; and there's a problem with just studying and learning, and it's a problem that Milton can't avoid.