You know, if you want to measure the potential energy of something in a gravitational field, you have to define the zero somewhere, right, because it's arbitrary. You can set it anywhere you want. It's the same with enthalpy.
How did you get into the field that you're studying right now?
Well, he would love to be fighting at the edge of the Grand Canyon, so that he doesn't have to worry about his right flank, but he's out there in the middle of a field.
There is a crossover and this is important when we think about the studies that will follow but the crossover is that everything you see in the left visual field goes to the right side of your brain; everything in the right visual field goes to the left side of the brain, and similarly, there's a crossover in action.
In one sense you could say political philosophy is simply a branch or what we call a subfield of the field of political science. Yes all right.
All right, now what we're going to learn next time and Bob Field is going to teach the lecture next time, is how heat and work are related, and how they're really the same thing, and how they're related through the first law, through energy conservation.
The Athenians loved and respected him so much that they gave him the almost unheard honor of burying him right on the spot where he fell in the field, and thereafter, his name was always followed with glory, admiration and devotion.
You might say that the best way to learn what political philosophy is is simply to study and read the works of those ! who have shaped the field--yes right?