and when he lays out the ideal society in his view in the Republic, we find there are multiple rulers.
Justice is nothing more or less right than what benefits the rulers, the rulers who determine the laws of justice.
Now this will become a problem obviously when we talk about Judaism, because Jews--the Greek rulers, were trying to do the same thing with Jewish gods and Jewish figures, as they had elsewhere.
It's also worth pointing out that these rulers had full religious authority for their rule.
They established a dynasty of Semitic rulers.
Every polity of which we know is based upon a distinction between the rulers and the ruled.
The city will not be benefited as much from changing law as it will be harmed " through being habituated to disobey the rulers."
So, between 1650 and 1750, and this is right out of what you're reading, the rulers of continental Europe, of the biggest states extended their power.
Rulers have been thought to be divine or appointed spokesmen for divinity.
So, that makes it clear we're talking about a wealthy civilization, at least in which the rulers are wealthy, and in which the rulers, of course, are very powerful.
He creates committees of advisors that, in many ways, are not that different than the kinds of ministries that would evolve in western absolute rulers-- absolute states, and in non-absolute states as well.
So, for absolute rulers, the link to religion you can read about, but there's always the sense that he or she is doing God's will by exploiting ordinary peasants, ordinary people and conquering other territories.
They are, to put it another way perhaps, not only potential rulers and potential philosophers, they may also be potential revolutionaries, and the remainder of the book is addressed to them and of course people like them.
And so I said that the nations of the world will never cease from trouble until either the true breed of philosophers shall come to political office or until that of the rulers shall, by some divine law, " take the pursuit of philosophy."
So, absolute rulers didn't really have to pay attention to these assemblies.
As I already suggested, and I would insist upon this again, that the consolidation of territorial rulers had already given the basis to an expanding, more formalized state structure, even in England.
我提到过 现在再强调一遍,国家的兼并,君权的加强为一个日益庞大,更有章法的现代国家的形成奠定了基础,在英格兰也是如此