And so you care-- you care about ultimately how much time is my algorithm gonna take to perform on that worst case running time.
and I'm making sure that the programme is running to the time it's meant to run by,
It at least does corroborate the claim that merge sort N*log N as we argue intuitively is in fact, N log N in running time.
We're running out of time, do you have any last words of wisdom for those folks that are listening or watching?
psi I mentioned that we can also solve for psi here, which is the wave function, and we're running a little short on time,
The message I'm trying to get to here, because I'm running you right up against time, is I have to be careful about what's a primitive step.
I won't read it since we're running a little short of time.
The other thing that I want to talk about-- and I guess I'm running out of time-- was about management of disaster risks.
Let's say you have been a runner for some time and you have been running daily
And that description, which I won't read just because we're running out of time, it's on 181 and 182.
That area was controlled by Egypt at the purported time of the Exodus Running north to south, next to that coastal plain, is a region of low mountains.
It wasn't the fact that they were running that time and they say "Oops! We are over the speed limit!
And that way we won't have to worry about running out of time at the end.
Like I said, with the most valuable resource being the president's time, a lot of efficiently running White House time is spent on how to allocate that precious resource.
So yes, running, and then it's going to be arts and crafts time.
When I have spare time, I like to go running.
I ask you for the running time of this algorithm and you give me the running time in terms of the running time, right.
And this was just a formal way of describing the best case running time and in the case of Selection Sort, what was the best case running time?
So the running time I claim to sort 16 elements takes 64 steps.
I find that every time we do our meditation on Thursday, I'm always running to make it, or something happened before I get there, I'm like "Oh my God, meditation!"