OK, I think we can safely go back to notes.
Even if tomorrow someone were to hand doctors a magic new technology that would enable to control neurons and synapses with whatever precision they want safely inexpensively.
One can assume safely that Aristotle would have received tenure in any number of departments at Yale, whereas Socrates could not have applied to have been a teaching assistant.
So they have to be engineered to be inert so that they can be safely inside a system and there's not every material you could pick would have that property.
And by the 1820s and 1830s the American South became what I think you could safely say was the fifth slave society in human history; maybe the sixth. This is debatable.
Satan may be like the wind, Orion, but Orion here is also seen as vexing and destroying the Egyptians whose carcasses wash up on the shores of the Red Sea, and the Israelites, having crossed the Red Sea safely, look on at this destruction from the safety of their shore.
So I think I can safely say that most people had the right idea and were counting quickly, 3 though I have a feeling that some people who wrote 13 might have forgotten about those 4 f, the 4 f electrons.