That's got the lowest possible standard deviation of expected return and that's 25% stocks and 75% bonds with this sample period.
Get loads of, you can sample the food which is nice.
When you get--this is Rituparna, counting the leaves on a tree-- you can estimate, from a sample, the population expected values.
If you go to the course website there is a sample concept sheet that you'll be able to read.
Do I go out to Harvard yard and take a random sample ? of sophomores to study meditation?
The absence of this smaller region tells you that this sample came from a sickle patient.
You've got a sample of it on your handout.
Do they get sample bottles coming in?
Some of the sample was Jewish.
I had my suspicions about the milkshake, and so I took a sample and I rushed it down to the lab.
Well, let me come up with a sample set of elements here and let me go ahead and just get some fresh white board space.
And I say if you took a random sample of the Americans: "When you woke up in the middle of the night" and said: "What does the America stand for?"
There's also another variance measure, which we use in the sample-- There's also another variance measure, which is for the sample.
We can define it in a couple of different ways depending on whether we're talking about sample mean or population mean.
So what researchers do is they hope to get enough people in a sample, where overall, you hope to be capturing normal intake.
That means--his calculations are very different than the ones I have because he has a much longer sample period.
There's another sample which is in Russia, part of the former Soviet Union, where there are samples that were stored.
And, in fact there's a technique of analysis used today that's called Rutherford back scattering where people actually saw that this is a means of identifying the substance, the sample.
Also today, one of the teaching fellows will be sending out a sample concept sheet, although you may have already seen it from the website, but in addition to that, a series of instructions.
ll look at research and read research about other people, about large sample sizes.
Now, he's using a much longer sample than I did, so he's not going to get this tangency portfolio that I did.
You don't have to count all the leaves on the tree, you can take a sample and you count that and then you multiply.
They might say my sample period was off, ... but that's what the theory-- ... using my data for the sample period that I computed-- the expected returns and co-variances says one should do.