There are children who by a relatively modest donation to an effective aid agency, you could save their lives.
So sometimes you'll get knighted if you save a lot of lives.
This is The Life You Can Save, which essentially gives the lie to the idea that there is nothing I can do.
And in fact, it lies at the heart of a lot of useful computational techniques where we save results.
But,he viewed "hereditary monarchy" as the unique port of salvation- that's a very religious image--that could save France.
The power of verse has everything to do with the power wielded by Sabrina to save the Lady from her paralysis.
So I'm gonna go ahead and save this again.
Actually, let's save myself some time and bring this down.
Actually it sort of strucks me like that that's certain message sort of time and I think of computer now. People always use them. I thought that save us time. Some've seemed to have more work.
In response to the subprime crisis that we are now in, our central bank, the Federal Reserve, has been cutting interest rates aggressively to try to save the economy that appears to be declining.
I'd actually like to explore a slightly alternate possibility of just taking the one of the five who needs an organ who dies first and using their four healthy organs to save the other four.
The ones who would conserve energy, that is they were sedentary when possible, other then when they had to go get food would again not waste their calories but would save them and contribute to the gene pool.
and some people get knighted because they save lives as well.
Beethoven set it under the heading of "God Save the King, " George the Third or somebody.
You should absolutely finish, at least A through part a this weekend, and save part b for next week.
And if you want to understand why so many white Southerners, especially in the Deep South, went to such great extents to save their slave society, remember the kinds of arguments and language used by its defenders.