As we've been talking about, I think we have a strong obligation to save life where we can do so.
and some people get knighted because they save lives as well.
And this is because as you start writing--saving files to your hard drive, what happens is you might save this file here, then this one, then this one, then this one, but very reasonably you might go back eventually and delete this one.
But,he viewed "hereditary monarchy" as the unique port of salvation- that's a very religious image--that could save France.
Because they are children that you could save just as easily as you could save that child in the pond in front of you.
Now as the doctor, how many would save the one?
So, I was trying to save the moment as best as I could, and I looked at her and I said, ? "Judy, do you remember that old experiment " that Elliot Aronson did on attractiveness?"
But in this class, just to try to keep us from getting confused, as I indicated before and I want to remind you, I'm going to save the word "Soul"; I'm going to at least try to save the word "Soul" for when I'm talking about the dualist view.
His heart exulting, he said to his father: "Creator of the gods, destiny of the great gods, If I indeed, as your avenger, Am to vanquish Tiamat and save your lives, Set up the Assembly, proclaim supreme my destiny!
If the cabin boy had agreed himself, and not under duress, as was added, then it would be all right to take his life to save the rest and even more people signed on to that idea.