In the forty-sixth chapter of Leviathan, a chapter we will read later, Hobbes wrote, "I believe that scarce anything can be more repugnant to government than much of what Aristotle has said in his Politics, " nor more ignorantly than a great part of his Ethics."
Look at line 119: Blind mouths! that scarce themselves know how to hold A Sheep-hook, or have learn'd aught else the least That to the faithful Herdman's art belongs!"
When he laughed, was witty, in a merry humor, one could scarce sees his eyes, and by and by, when he was serious and positive, he opened his eyes round.
Life is a scarce resource.
We can think about this in an evolutionary way, as I've alluded to a lot, but if you think about it from a completely Darwinian point of view, and you think about these food conditions where food would be scarce in ancient times.
Life for Hobbes is competition or struggle not just over scarce resources, although that might be part of the struggle, but for honors, for anything else that a person might value or esteem.
Now these parts of the world are shrinking in the number; but let's say you lived in Ethiopia or Somalia, or places where food really is scarce way too much of the time, then having this particular biological drive, having a brain that wants you to seek out these foods would be highly adaptive.