The final project for this course, as you know is a presentation that you'll give whether it's for the students or the extension school students.
In the United States, high school students can choose what classes they want to take.
Just a couple of announcement and also hi to the extension school students.
A little bit later's day, i will be speaking to high school students in an organization called Jack & Jill.
especially with elementary school students. And while I was here,
We have 90 extension school students who are taking the course via distance education, so we have a huge group that will be joining us at the 2010 CS50 fair and the those photos you saw a moment ago depicted 2009's.
I've taught kindergarten students, elementary school students, adult students,
And I have actually seen evidence over the years, mercifully, just a small amount of evidence, but there are, in a group like this, always a few students who come in with a really strong background in high school.
And the third explicate purpose, I think we probably all agree with, is that school environment creates a situation where students can learn together, where they can learn from each other, so it creates a community of learners.
For example, if we played this game up in the business school-- are there any MBA students here today? One or two.
One of things that has been going on in Orthodox Judaism not other Judaism is that after high school, many students go to Israel and study at what I called "yeshiva" which are institutes of higher Jewish learning.
or they would help, they would tutor elementary school- to high school- aged students,
you know, that opportunity is available to students whereas at a different school,
Most universities now require that students have a degree before entering law school.
If we allow teachers to discipline students physically in school,
But before I do that, I would also like to welcome-- I know that some of you are watching this from home, to the extension school students, it's wonderful to have you here.