Probably the most that you see every day is that you can't see the profiles of people at other schools.
Some of the schools that they rate and say that kids are not learning and the tests are too easy.
Yeah it goes back to a long time in my life, but most immediately to my own graduate career, which I went to several different schools.
With the demise of Rome, in the early Christian centuries, these philosophical academies, these philosophical schools, were absorbed into the medieval monasteries.
Followed by a long history of inferior schools and segregation, and also expectation, continued disparity in terms of school and education, which comes to another question.
Fraternities and med schools and other organizations haze people.
Our students and our schools need you.
There are two schools of thought.
Ah, many of you have seen it, it's a great film. It's a true story, it's about Fountainebleu, which is southeast of Paris, sort of a fancy place, and it's about his childhood about French schools. My kids have been in French schools for many years so I know about these places.
I mean we haven't, we don't really have a second version which is constantly... So I guess for most of last school year I just worked on scaling and kind of trying to make it keep up with the increasing load and trying to make it so that we can expand more, adding more schools.
So if you guys have had-- many health professionals say that there's not enough nutrition education out there, that most people don't learn it in the schools, people aren't getting it so much from families because families don't know a lot about nutrition, but the fact is you've had a lot of nutrition education and you've just proven it.
So, I applied to a lot of schools and from the ones I got in, I decided to come to Yale.
This was a 19th century British law case that's famous and much debated in law schools.
I don't mean no fish, but no sort of major schools of fish.
but in terms of Ivy League schools, I'd say, I'd say it's a... from what I know at least,
And we invite professors from other schools or people in industry to come talk to the students here.