In other words, language, according to Derrida, in the Saussurian tradition seems to privilege sound over script, over what is graphic.
I sit alongside the director with the script and a stopwatch,
So, inside of code, or inside of a script, there's no print, unless we make it explicit.
For this sprite only, means local, only this function, only this script can use this variable, make this variable for all sprites, meant it was global.
We will probably doing it on a big piece of drawn paper so you can see it and I will have him script the words.
I wanted to watch that as well, but... The remake is based on the original script.
So, the fact that this was a Greek script that was available in the Mycenaean Period tells us very confidently that the Mycenaeans were Greeks.
there's the philosopher's script.-Oh yes, I've read.
The scripts are in the middle, the sprites are on the right hand side, so when I have the stage selected at the moment, I'm seeing the script that are associated with sort of the whole program itself, the so called stage.
Let's check it out. I've written a little bit of a test script here, so if we test cell sort, and I've written this so that it's going to print out what the list is at the end of each round, OK.
But I could home in on sprite 1 there and just see this particular sprite script.
I shouldn't even say script; that sounds like he's writing a nice cursive line.
Alright, and don't worry I have a script for you but not for Philip.
The letters, the design of the writing comes, in fact, from Asia, probably from--almost certainly from Phoenicia, the land that is now called Lebanon and the language that was for that script was Semitic language.
He found it and it was the excavation of the site of Mycenae which was soon followed by the excavation of other sites from the same period that made it possible for people to talk about this culture, even before they could read the script.
If you read a well, a good example of that kind of Semitic script is Hebrew.
It's because of that script.
Most of the time, we're going to be doing expressions inside of some piece of code, inside of a script, which is the Python word for program.
There is a palace economy, there is a script, there is a bureaucracy, and there is collectivized agriculture under the central control of the economy.
When Evans found writing at Knossos, he found two-- well, he actually found seven, but only two that turned out to be significant-- two kinds of script.
And so very often I would find myself with gigabytes worth of data, at night I needed to analyze this data and look for this patterns and frankly the reality was sometimes I could spend 10-15 minutes whipping up a little script, a little program that unfortunately would take eight hours or more to run.
That is not true for Crete because, although they had a script-- and we have available to us tablets with those writings on them-- to this day no one has deciphered the language written by the Minoans.
There's no notion of naming a script as you can a function in scratch.
We know that the Mycenaeans, or at least some small number of them could write, because we have the Linear B script, which we can read. There is no clue that there is such a thing as writing in the Homeric poems.