Now,notice that does not necessarily mean it's canonical because scripture in some religions refers to a bunch of stuff.
So this was a list of books that some author believed were scripture and should be read by Christians and churches.
Marcion,though,seemed to have spurred other Christian leaders to decide what they thought Christian scripture should do.
So Marcion said the only thing that should be scripture for us is not all that Jewish scripture. Get rid of that.
They might have lots and lots of holy writings, but they don't have a particular, bounded body of writings that they call scripture.
Now,different religions--some religions don't have what we would normally think of as scripture, in Islam,Judaism or Christianity.
If you decide that you think Daniel is not scripture, or you think the Revelation of John is not scripture, just take it out of the box.
He says,"There are many things in Paul's letters very difficult to understand. And some people twist them to their own destruction as they do other kinds of scripture."
But one problem that this also caused is if you're going to put all the books, the documents that you think are scripture,between two covers with the scrolls,you can take one out and put another in.
God's forbidding of the fruit removes from Adam and Eve any capacity for choosing and deciding, and you can see Milton worrying in Areopagitica about the uneasy relationship of his own argument to this central text in divine scripture.
The guy who wrote 2 Peter--again,not really Peter, but a writer writing in Peter's name--talked about Paul's letters as if--and he calls them scripture.
The problem with that answer is before you say something is scripture, you have to say why is it scripture,for whom is it scripture, and what does that mean?
Paul's letters actually became so famous and respected, and at least in some aspects of early Christianity, that they were called themselves "scripture."
Introduction to New Testament History and Literature: Lecture 2 Professor Dale Martin: What is scripture,and what is canon?