And if the goalie dives to the right, you're best off shooting to the left, second best off shooting to the middle, and worst off by shooting to the right; and that's kind of common sense.
So, not surprisingly in this game, it turns out that if the goalie dived to the left you're best off shooting to the right, second best off shooting to the middle, and worst off shooting to the left.
The second thing that I will argue for in addition to studying what works is also to study the best.
We could choose any two quantities, and, in fact, it turns out that these are going to prove, after we have the second law, not to be the best choice.
Second he tells us the political scientist must consider what kind of regime will be best under less than optimal circumstances.
I call the second argument "The argument from recycling"-- not the best label I suppose, but I've never been able to come up with a better one.
Well, the second that you choose Beta then someone's going it's in someone's best interest- to take advantage of it.
第二个错误 如果你选了β,那么别人就会从中攫取到好处
So we talked about changing ourselves, how it's possible the "growing-tip" statistics which is the second significant idea within research in positive psychology: " first significant idea is "let's study what works" " the second significant idea is "let's study what works best".