If it takes you 1 / 60 of a second to go around once, then you do it 60 times a second.
如果转一圈要 1 / 60 秒,那么一秒就转了60圈
Now let me spend just a second to say, what was this actually doing?
Let me take a second to ask.
There are also survivorship policies that will pay, for example, the second to die-- there would be a policy if a husband and wife get it, then it pays out when the second of them dies.
But the second is a desire to attract and maintain the divine presence, the continued presence of God in the sanctuary.
The second way to have something that is net nonpolar is to have spatially symmetric disposition of polar bonds.
The first way is just to turn the crank on the math, and the second way is to do a little bit more imaginative about the process.
Turn now to the second basic view, the physicalist view, according to which a person is just a body.
But there is a second kind of development, and this gets to that second childhood he invokes that happens to him when he goes to Chicago.
That incident that Socrates tells here represents what one could call " the famous Socratic turn Socrates' second sailing so to speak.
Good. To rule out the second slice, I need to be rational myself, and I need to know that others are rational.
So, that, for me, was kind of the first connection that what went, "Woah, wait a second, I want to be thinking about these molecules all the way down to the level of individual atoms."
You're going to listen just for a second and then you're going to move and you're going to move using the conducting pattern.
One group of children was a control group; the second group was taught to think back to experience that make them laugh or smile.
The second one is going to be sound that's going to come on at the end.
But we've been so completely socialized into thinking two things: one is that we need water with us all the time; and second we have to buy it.