That means our energy is equal to 6.626 times 10 to the -34 joules times seconds.
Let's think about it for ten seconds why this could be interesting and relevant, and I want to ask if anybody changed their mind.
So, why don't you go ahead and take 10 more seconds on this second clicker question for our intro.
You have a whole bunch of runners and five of them have all run it in under 15 seconds.
So, after clips of five seconds people are pretty good at predicting what sort of evaluations that person will have.
So, we're going to listen to just a couple of seconds here of a blues tune sung by Nora Jones.
And we won't wait here one hundred seconds for it to finish, but we're using the loop, we're updating a variable, and we're formatting it in a nice way.
Ironically, unification proclaimed in the Hall of Mirrors at the Chateau of Versailles, which we'll visit for a few seconds later on.
That was good for about 10 seconds before it snapped out of that cheap little staple they put it in there with.
Richard's response to this we just have two seconds, and I want to show it to you.
We can spend late hours rendering something and then have a go-by in thirty seconds.
If we do that, the Greeks would have said, "That is stupid and absurd to think for ten seconds you'll realize that's no good."
That is, it doesn't take one second to go the first, and then two seconds to go to the second, and three seconds to go to third.
Then he had a machine that granted each pigeon one piece of corn every fifteen seconds; that's very, frustratingly slow for a hungry pigeon to get one piece every fifteen seconds.
And a few seconds later, he says "Mr. Bernstein, you don't expect me to keep my promises, do you?" And Berstein laughs like the little toady that he is and says, "Oh, yes!"
All right. Let's take 10 more seconds on that, this should be a quick identification for us to do.