In that case, we understand it as a sequence of cross-sections rather than something that somehow organically changes through time.
We're moving into the large on-term across next term where we'll teach 600 students in six sections, of about 100 each.
So, I joined the faculty in 1978, 091 and my first teaching assignment was 3.091 recitation. I had two sections.
As I say, we'll start to get our discussion sections organized on Monday and they should be set, I hope, by the Wednesday lecture next week.
Now if you look at the structure of this book, it has sections that say Key Points and Key Terms.
I want the function, which is a little tool, a line of code I can include in my own programs and generally those tools live in sections two or three of the manual.
We're going to talk in a minute about those three sections, so you want to have that handy.
The one time we will get this very strongly I'll talk about the discussion sections in a moment.
You can read them online, and I want you to read those in addition to reading the sections that I have indicated.
The richest one percent in both sections, put another way, held twenty-seven percent of all the wealth.
And you do your work product and you bring it to sections and hand it in to your TA in section each time.
So look at line -- I'll run through some of the essential sections here.
By the way, I'm going to leave also to your sections the strange confusion that ensues in taking a rhetorical device, metonymy, and making it synonymous with grammar on the axis of combination.
No, the discussion sections are Tuesday afternoon from 1:00-2:00, and Tuesday night from 8:00-10:00, and the website has got all the details on when and where. Yes?
In what sense, we could ask ourselves and I think you probably will be asking in your sections, ? in what sense is the city by nature?
You'll do a lot of work in your sections, very much related to your response papers that many student claim the most important part of the class.