What are some of the particular opportunities and challenges of being a Muslim chaplain in America on a secular university campus?
Right. Well, I think that pluralism properly understood has respect for people with the secular position, with the Christian position.
The poem then tries out different answers, answers that alternately explore transcendental and secular solutions.
What conclusions would we come to about the nature of death if we had to think about it from a secular perspective?
Milton had begun the sentence not with calm, prophetic certainty about his divine vocation. He began it with a far more secular set of images, a set of images that comes from the world of business.
It never lost entirely its original character as an insurgent movement, independent of the state and hostile to it, making claims that challenge the secular authority.
There's no secular culture.
You can still see in the Pantheon-- the sort of secular monument but also just Napoleonic generals one after another-- you can still see bullet holes there, from the Commune, not just from World War Two, from where people were executed.
What would you say are some of the issues that Muslim students would face at a secular university like Princeton?
And this was largely a secular, a less religious movement that focused on the Palestinian identity, nationalizing the conflict, making it national.
Why can't he write love poetry, secular poetry, instead of this much more disciplined, much more difficult mode of sacred and prophetic poetry ? that he seems already to have wedded himself to?
It can take a secular form, take a Christian form, Judaic form, Hindu Form, with Gandhi and so forth.
You have people who are like central-orthodox, and far-than-right orthodox, and secular.
What if every synagogue and mosque, church, temple, secular humanist society was involved in congregational exchanges the way that most of these institutions are now involved in some kind of service work?
Although the people were mainly christians, their life and outlook became increasingly secular.
Christianity began as a persecuted religion that ultimately captured the Roman empire only after centuries of hostility towards the Empire, towards Rome, towards the secular state in general.