You'll see a graph with yellow lines, yellow bars that are people without the metabolic syndrome and red bars are people with.
where, you know... to see the stars and they have the red carpet.
I constructed a series of home prices -that's the red line and the red line is -you can see how it's moved through history.
In this particular case, you can see of the brain is steering at the red spot.
You don't see a red and yellow, you don't see green and blue.
你们不可能看到红连接黄 或者绿连接蓝
So using stroke as the outcome here, what you see is that people with the metabolic syndrome, the red bar, compared to the people without it, the yellow bar, have about twice the amount of risk.
But if you look at 1860, the bottom map, if you can vaguely see those deep, dark, red areas, you can see where cotton moved, where slavery moved in the domestic slave trade, and then where Southern political power moved.
But also, there is this sense of imagination, and you get that in the dreaming waters; you get that in the sense of travel or the image of the road that you can see in the green and red vegetables stretching away in their rows to the bright horizon.
Once you get that, once you get the value, "Christmas tree," as opposed to "red lights," "red lights" being perhaps a part of some Christmas trees, then you see that you're back in a semiotic system and a very obvious one, because a Christmas tree is a not-menorah, not-Kwanzaa candles.
One is that there's four different colors and so you can see red, blue, yellow, green here - four different colors and that's all there are, there aren't more than four.
一是这些梯阶有四种不同颜色,你可以看到红 蓝 黄 绿,恰恰只有四种不同颜色,不多不少
That there are two colors per strut, so what's linking the two backbones together are two colored segments that come from the outside towards the middle, and that the colors occur only in certain combinations, red and green, yellow and blue, that's all you see.