And this is in contrast to Selection Sort where you're fishing again and again for the then smallest element.
Just contrast this for a brief moment to something like Selection Sort which from the get go had a ridiculous amount of redundancy comparing the same damn numbers again and again, and again.
How many swaps do I do in selection sort?
So you could use sort of negative selection in order to find the ones that you want.
And this was just a formal way of describing the best case running time and in the case of Selection Sort, what was the best case running time?
We looked at something called Selection Sort and that too was pretty straightforward, at least conceptually.
I just go down the list selecting the smallest person at a time and then I repeat, repeat, repeat but when we actually did out the math or kind of reason through it, the running time, the asymptotic running time of bub-- of Selection Sort was also what?
N But it's definitely not one and in fact it wasn't N in the case of Selection Sort because remember the algorithm we implemented on stage last week had me going back and forth across the stage selecting on iteration, the smallest person I can find, the smallest number and then putting them into place.
Selection Sort.
How many swaps do I do in general in bubble sort, compared to selection source?
So Selection Sort, while it might be easier perhaps to think through than Bubble Sort, or maybe it's pretty much equivalent, it's just a different approach to the same problem.
Selection sort too really reduces to a total number of comparisons because I'm again comparing the current smallest to the next thing I see, the next thing, so really a lot of these sorting algorithms boil down to comparisons and the numbers that you actually have to make.
I chose Bubble Sort on the left Selection Sort on the right and then something called merge sort on the very right hand side and then I started this all off roughly at the same time and what was frankly striking at least to me at the time was, my God it's done.
I was just finding very tunnel vision-like, the smallest elements at that moment in time which means I don't know anything about the other elements other than they are not the smallest and so no matter what with Selection Sort I had to repeat this again and again and again and if you do out the math it's roughly N squared steps in the worst case as well.
Like what the heck have we been spending our time for-- our time on with Bubble Sort and with Selection Sort and in fact there's plenty of other N squared sorts that we're not even gonna bother looking at.
Let's do selection and let's do merge sort here on the right just to see what actually happens.