Choose this day which ones you are going to serve, but I in my household will serve Yahweh," serve the Lord.
A lot of it is based upon how well you can serve clients, you know, how well you can talk with clients,
He presents the Israelites with the following choice: "Now therefore revere the Lord," using the word Yahweh, "revere Yahweh, and serve him with undivided loyalty.
They often involve networks of reactions, not just one enzyme but a series of enzymes that serve to amplify each other.
You also have experience of that because you came from New York University, in fact you still serve at New York University.
So Julius Caesar--if you were really going to be important in Rome, you had to serve as a general at some point.
They are involved in commerce, some of them, but mostly what they do is they serve the state.
Add to the above Hobbes' repeated insistence that law serve as an instrument for achieving social equality.
The board hires the president or chief executive officer and other top officers of the company and they serve as employees of the board.
Since the connection with the poker chips is established through classical conditioning, sooner or later by that logic the poker chips would lose their power to serve as reinforcers.
And i believe in the value of liber arts education, just in general, just learning about the world, learning about other people, would serve me in some ? way, some way which i really didn't know.
He goes on in a letter in spring 1862 the war still isn't a war against slavery in any official sense and he writes home to his brother saying he wishes he had the, quote, "Moral courage to desert," because he no longer wants to serve this cause.
so they serve, it's very like you walk in and you feel like you're in England or you feel like you're in London,
We serve on committees.
Cereal would be--a serving of cereal would be about the amount that would fit in a wine glass, but people think that you fill up a bowl and that becomes a serving, but a typical amount of cereal that people serve themselves might be two or three times what the ordinary size is.
and not only the fashion but the cause and the reasons that these non-profits serve