The clearest statement of this view of again the individual set against the mob in some ways is found in a work of a very famous civil libertarian of the nineteenth century John Stuart Mill a man named John Stuart Mill.
And when these groups were set in competition against each other, the Eagles versus the Rattlers, the within-group intensity grew.
So part three down there at the bottom we've got an example of polyphony where I take in the tune and set it against itself a little bit.
In the 1960s, to have a protagonist go into the world and discover this incredibly complex set of patterns, and to have that protagonist be a housewife, was very much playing against type.
The only other thing--then next period we're going to talk-- on Friday we're meeting again and we're meeting again about-- this time it's about efficient markets and I want to talk about the evidence for efficient markets and against it and that will lead you into your third problem set about efficient markets.