And actually, today, we are setting up our Spanish language blog site.
you know, like, paying bills and setting up cable, and you know, talking to doctors.
Beethoven was like a military general, interesting the way he operated, always setting up these battles.
.. So, we are setting up our-- you have already gotten email and you've talked about setting up your review sessions-- so I have a few more minutes here.
And he follows that initial ordering by setting up celestial bodies, just as Marduk did.
I'll let you just grok it but you can see it's basically doing what I did over there. Setting up two indices for the two sub-list,it's just walking down, finding the smallest element, putting it into a new list. When it gets to the end of one of the lists, it skips to the next part, and only one of these two pieces will get called because only one of them is going to have things leftovers.
Say, Binky, I don't think dereferencing y is a good idea because, you know, setting up the pointee is a separate step and I don't think we ever did it.
you have to learn about the different types of business that you are setting up.
Some of you might have seen, we had been setting up a number of ways for us to reach out to our customers.
But he had great birth, and so he started getting more power politically and financially by setting himself up as the patron of the patronless.
And that's right where we are setting the tent up right now.
We're going to focus now on some passages where we can do it, and we're going to see how Beethoven is setting up some chord progressions here.
Instead of setting up a central bank in the United States as was done commonly in other countries the United States instead created twelve banks; they're the twelve Federal Reserve Banks.
they're setting up in advance to lose.
People would invest in buildings solely for tax purposes because you could write off the depreciation on the building, so people were cynically setting up DPPs as tax shelters only.
人们可以仅仅为了避税而投资一幢大楼,因为你可以对大楼计提折旧,注,计提的折旧可以抵扣税前收益从而减少应交税金 所以讽刺的是DPP仅被当做了避税工具
You want, if you are setting up an organization to hold real estate, you want to do it, if you can, as a DPP because you don't want to pay those taxes.
So in fact, it is the case, if you look at data, and by the way, that's the way I ended up setting a lot of these parameters and playing with it, was comparing what my simulation said to historical stock data.