We all know about "Liebestod" in "Tristan and Isolde," the moments of death in literature which obviously are sexually charged.
Clearly, this is something that he wants to believe or that he needs to believe, but there does seem to be evidence that at least at this early point in Milton's life he's intending to remain sexually abstinent forever.
All things being equal, what sort of person if you could be sexually or romantically ? involved with any person, ? who would it be?
None of these do we have vaccines for, and it's turned out that sexually transmitted diseases for a variety of reasons, we'll come back to later, are particularly difficult to develop vaccines for.
And now that I'm thinking of it, why deny myself sexually?
All right. What if we have passion, I'm sexually attracted to you, but no intimacy.
This almost certainly is not the right story but again, just as in phobias, some ideas of classical conditioning may play some role in determining what we like and what we don't like sexually.
Orpheus devotes himself to his beautiful poetry, and he keeps himself sexually abstinent.
I become more aggressive and more sexually vibrant and simply more beautiful.