The view that nothing is shameful, that everything should be permitted, ? to say whatever comes to our lips?
A boy who's bullied by his father may hate his father and want to hurt him but since this would--this is very shameful and difficult.
There's something shameful about it and he felt shame.
Satan finds it ignominious and shameful to lower himself to God, to bow and sue for grace with suppliant knee and deify His power, but this kind of submission is shameful not because it's simply always shameful so to debase oneself.
Displacement is you have certain shameful thoughts or desires and you refocus them more appropriately.
And we've all been in this, where we know that it's shameful to look at this, just drive on, as Socrates would say " "mind your own business," and yet at the same time we feel, even against our will, compelled to look and think about that.