We often hear today about shaping regimes ? or about changing regimes but what is a regime?
Then the Phase Three that I mentioned, the 10,000 years ago had several things occur that were very important in shaping our current situation.
And the act of working your way to it is known as shaping.
So now we continue our conversation, I'd like to talk to you about your role in shaping policy frist of all, and may be also some personnel appointment matters, and refering among disputing Precident's men and women.
All these things are very important players, so we'll talk about this and discuss what sort of things are shaping your diet, but also the world's diet and the reasons behind them.
We like certain foods, we have positive associations with them because of our families and all these-- and marketing of course, and all these factors come into play in shaping how we feel about food.
We know there has to be some effect of the environment shaping language, obviously, because in order to know English you have to have heard English, in order to know Dutch you have had to heard, to--had to have learned and heard Dutch.