They travelled to a model shop and all the other sites, until they were finally ready to focus on particular ones.
So when you go, for example, in your neighborhood, if there's one coffee shop and you like their coffee,
I've been teaching this stuff for twenty years, and I tend to find two basic kinds of students who shop my classes for the New Testament Introduction course.
Even if you worked in a small shop, they only had eight workers and you were related to half of them.
Right now, if you were to shop the class, you could find the tentative list of discussion section days and times.
This is going to travel, fishing with his grandfather, visiting his grandfather's shoes' shop, things that were just an intriguing part of his life.
So, let me just read you this poem, it is short, and it's a Brecht poem and it's called "A Worker Reads History." And then you can go home, or go shop, shop till you drop, whatever.
We could do a more general job if we wanted to, but for now, let's assume that one of these firms has its shop at one end of the town, and the other one has its shop at the other end of the town.
So this could be going for a walk to my favorite coffee shop, sitting there, talking with other people.
Well a number of you have spent this past week playing with this particular tool which is a project the course has been working on for some time in an effort to make it easier and more social to actually shop for courses.
While on the shop and street I gazed My body of a sudden blazed; And twenty minutes more or less It seemed, so great my happiness, That I was blessed and could bless.
And bucket shop was a term of derision, because these people ran a gambling parlor.
Things started to change probably on the first day of class, but not entirely-- because there's shopping period and it's such a wonderful thing-- you shop for classes.
So, maybe you wanted a really fine pot of the kind you used to be able to walk to the corner and pick up at a pottery shop, but you can't get now, so you would want to buy what the Corinthians sell. Guess what?
There is one in 59th street which is a very um... A lot of tourists go there to shop. Celebrities.
Often times I ran into you at a coffee shop, a local coffee shop called Small World.