And the constant, if we redo it in modern SI units, 1 would take on the value of 1.1 1*10^7m-1 times 10 to the 7th reciprocal meters.
But in terms of SI units, which become much more useful if you're actually trying to use intensity in a problem and cancel out your units, we're just talking about joules per second is what intensity is.
It is not an SI unit because it is not a multiple of 10 to the 3rd, but I like the angstrom.
So, in particular, if you're person 1 and then "s-i" would be "s2, s3, s4" up to "sn" but it wouldn't include "s1."
This is the SI unit, the systeme international unit for electric charge.
Most of chemistry has gone SI so every mass should be in kilograms.
SI units means everything goes in, in SI, everything comes out in SI.
What is the unit of charge in SI? Coulomb.
Here is the value of using SI units.
Notation: so I'm going to use little "si" to be a particular strategy of Player i.
Now I need to distinguish this from the set of possible strategies of Player I, so I'm going to use capital "Si" to be what?
What is the energy unit in SI? The joule.
How do we think of that term B S1 S2?
So to say it in words, Player i's strategy "s'i" is strictly dominated by her strategy "si," if "si" always does strictly better -- always yields a higher payoff for Player i -- no matter what the other people do.
I'll say it again, Player i's strategy "s'i" is weakly dominated by her strategy "si" if she always does at least as well by choosing "si" than choosing "s'i" regardless of what everyone else does, and sometimes she does strictly better.
So strategy ?i is a best response to the strategy S-i of the other players if my payoff from choosing ?i against S-i, is weakly bigger than that from choosing Si' against S- i, and this better hold for all possible other strategies I could choose.