I think the more entry ways that we can create between the two sides, on this conflict, but also on many conflicts.
but they have good qualities, too. So we have to take from both sides.
We have pictures of gods and kings seated on these seats, the sides of which are these giant winged cherubim, and then their feet rest on a footstool.
But it's been very interesting to me and researching this book, you can see how there are very many sides within specific religious communities.
We want to integrate. So let's take the integral of both sides, going from the initial point to the final point.
Both shared, both sides, the leadership of both sides, shared a rich kind of nationalism about this American experiment.
Now it's--I think it's still the dominant academic view, but there's a big debate and there are partisans on both sides.
A boy and a girl fell in love from the wrong sides of the tracks The families were upset so they tossed the boy and the girl into two different constellations, thinking that they would never meet again.
A sign, in other words, is made up of two sides in, as it were, a thought moment: a relationship between that which is signified and that which signifiesit.
Okay, so you could see difficulties in estimating on both sides of the norm. Yes?
It is evident that these different Mycenaean towns, all throughout the Greek world, on both sides of the Aegean Sea, were in touch with each other.
But that's not yet testing the equation, because you've got to find both sides.
There's water on all sides, so going to the beach if it's sunny.
It separates those duplicated chromosomes to two sides of the cell, physically separates them, and the cell itself pinches off to form two new cells.
Because there were many people on both sides of the Arab/Israeli conflict who wanted to end it, many people in this country who wanted to end it.
Both sides believe in bodies.