This is what Tynjanov says: In formalist historiography, the prime significance of major social factors is not at all discarded.
And it's really, the significance of advertising is getting friends to talk about a brand, right?
Now, I think there's a deliberate confusion here about these lines because their precise historical significance isn't what's most significant.
We're somewhere having the western war in those places Those are hotspots religiously because they have so much religious significance.
But if in fact my reading practice can be shown not clearly to distinguish between meaning and significance, well, then that's what would happen.
When you start describing the significance of a symbol like the tunnel, which recurs in the book, you immediately begin to limit it, and a symbol should go on deepening.
Is there any significance at all, for example, in the number of photons that are hitting the metal or being absorbed by the metal.
Another thing that you need to understand about these farms, if you're going to grasp their significance for the society that will come, is that they are small, really small.
Then when you see graphs like this and you see these stars, then that links down here to the significance level.
So the total number of shares is almost-- the tendency to do splits is a cultural thing; it's of no real significance.
What do you think is the significance of being social and having personal connections?
What do you think is the significance of advertising through social networks?
Further, the significance of Moses is hinted at through literary allusions in the narrative of his birth, his infancy.
When we consider the degree of Milton's anxieties about his own attachment to classical learning, I think we can see the significance of Mammon's actions here.
Then later on, if I wish, I can establish a canon by saying certain texts have certain significance and those are the texts that I care about and want to read, but I can only do that if I can distinguish between meaning and significance.
Significance is the application of that construal to something.
And I don't see a lot of ethical significance.
The question of providential justice is of course of primary significance to Milton's poem, but Hartman goes on to say that the moon, which reminds us of a calm and perfect sense of Providence, also works to guarantee the principal of free will.
Now one other thing that Hirsch says, the other thing that I quoted, is in effect ] -I'll paraphrase now-- that what Gadamer omits to realize is that there is a difference between the meaning of a text and the significance of a text.
But this is also true of all of Western Europe, which has to do pretty much with the abolition of farmers and I just don't think it's right for me to pass without mentioning the significance.
But if meaning and significance bleed into each other, what I'm going to be doing is establishing a canon, as it were, unconsciously or semiconsciously.
Milton is alerting us to the significance of the word "first" in the very first line, in this wonderful act of violating the laws of iambic pentameter.
He wants his novel to be like that living butterfly, but the threat is always that it will be more like the aquamarine. And I want to suggest to you that the aquamarine has an even darker personal significance to him.
So, that's the chronological significance of it.