And not a single young person in the room except my son, who was then a teenager who would tag along and see his father testify.
He only insists that sovereign power remain absolute and undivided whether it belongs to a single person, a few, or the many.
To what extent are all of us composed of multiple people, and to what extent are we a single unified person over time?
New York dude and Michigan dude are a single person, Napoleon,who is bilocated.
All change begins in the mind of single person or a small group."
If these 8 million people , would correspond to the number of neurons in the brain, the equivalent of the hair cells that you could get out of a single cochlea would be equivalent to one person walking down 42nd street.
As Hanson says, thus arose the kleros, or the idea of a privately held plot attached not to any one person, but rather in perpetuity to a single farm family or oikos.
The Crito, on the other hand, is a conversation between Socrates and a single individual, only one person.
Common sense tells us you could have more than one person inside a single body.
What's the metaphysical glue that underlies ? being a single extended-through-time person?