Oedipa Maas in Crying of Lot 49 will sit up on a bluff overlooking San Narciso, and she'll look down at the pattern of light.
So I just sit in there and work on, work on the sounds that are hard for my English tongue to produce.
If any of you don't want your image recorded and posted on the web, you're supposed to sit in the back three rows.
This is what he says about them about three quarters of the way down the page: During my lunch hour, which I spent on a bench in a nearby park, the waitresses would come and sit beside me talking at random, laughing, joking, smoking cigarettes.
You can see them in the sopranos and altos up there and they just sit there on that pitch--a long note: one, two, three, four.
People if you're coming in now, you can sit up here, or you even can sit on the floor up here. It's one big happy family.
Monday evening will be the time at which the midterm exam will be posted on the website, and that'll be at 6:00 pm Monday evening. You'll have a 24-hour period of time in which to find--I forget what I said--30 or 40 minutes? It'll be clear on the instructions. To just sit and treat it as if you're in an in-class exam situation, and write your essay.
We'll sit on the dominant chord for eight beats and I will look over and everybody else will come back in at the end of Chris's solo."
You are going to just go to the room, as you normally do, come on in, sit down.