You actually have the word "first" appearing six times in the first thirty-three lines of Paradise Lost.
Got married six times. Anyway, so we are making, we're doing,
so when we think about what it is that this radial probability distribution is telling us, it's telling us that it is most likely that an electron in a 2 s orbital of hydrogen is six times further away from the nucleus than it is in a 1 s orbital.
Look first at the sheet that gives you the titles of God, and you'll see that in the patriarchal traditions so we're talking about Genesis primarily; I've thrown in some other texts also, but focusing for a moment on the patriarchal traditions of Genesis El SHaddai God is six times called El Shaddai.
1 So, it's two times 3.12 plus four times 1.31, 6 all divided by six.
That's equal to seven minus six minus two 3 times 4.19, or 4.19 plus 2.3.
*2=6 So I have three times two is six.