And so the fact that in this whole slide here, this algorithm for sorting, I'm using the verb sort.
Hence the title of this slide all right so 2, we've got you two paired off?
I will just give you this one little slide so you get a sense of what we are up against.
Here's my last slide The National Association of Homebuilders surveys its membership to ask them what is the traffic of homebuyers?
This first slide shows a graph of the impact of having metabolic syndrome on heart disease and its consequences.
Nobody is going to say to themselves, "Oh, well, it's not such a good talk because the slide projector broke."
So you can imagine a bead with a wire going through it and the bead can only slide back and forth.
We were going to have a clicker slide on how many bounced back but it looks like we're having a little technical difficulty with that.
And so one of the points I want to make here, on this slide, is that this is a very disease-specific thing.
And so, I showed a slide up here which contrasts two different ways of thinking.
Some things are going to slide through, and that's actually a bother. It's a problem.
I'm optimistic about the audio equipment and about our slide material and things such as that.
In fact, that building itself, of which I don't have a slide, is extremely modest.
事实上 这个建筑,抱歉我没有幻灯片,在当时是很简陋的
This slide and the next will effectively teach you how to design neural prostheses.
So, from this moment forth, and I heard some stuff go off earlier. But, I let it slide because I haven't had my chance to explain what my expectations are.
C So here I'm declaring a variable called c, and I'm pretty much translating the formula from the slide using the characters on my keyboard to a floating point value.
The other thing that's on this slide here is sort of a simple analogy that I've already described.
And what we call the binding energy is this is what we saw on the last slide.
I showed them the slide that I just showed you, showing the optimal portfolio, and then I looked at the Norwegian Government's position.
The next slide shows the farm, same farm and its surroundings in 1998, so you can see that a lot has happened here.