So, if you smile at somebody, and you just hate their guts but you want to smile at them, it's--unless you're quite gifted it's difficult to fake a really good, really happy smile.
They'll smile appropriately, making an important point that smiling is not learned by looking at other people's faces.
If you try to imagine a smile with no body at all, it can't be done. Why?
如果你要相信一个没有身体的微笑,那是根本做不到的 为什么呢
Look at his smile, really more of a smirk.
She is also a PhD candidate in Economics and is doing research on the behavior of options prices in a phenomenon called the "Options smile," as she's smiling at me right now.
He would be quite famous in his line of work. Whether Magda was his wife or not, one evening when he was wise-lined and gray at the temples he'd smile gravely, at a fashionable dinner party, and remind her of his youthful passion.
This is Angus Trumble, the curator at the British Art Gallery who wrote this wonderful book, A Brief History of the Smile looking at the smile in art.