But the servant who had been given only one talent hid the talent in the earth so as -- perfectly understandably ] - so as not to risk the only talent that he had been given.
So it could be dangerous anywhere in New York. It's not as dangerous as it used to be.
Everyone's keeping their hands firmly down so as not to get spotted here.
And that's basically trying to make sure our program has not regressed, as to say, gone backwards in how well it works. And so we always test it on everything.
He repays favor with interest so as not to be under any obligations to others.
Why call attention not so much to the difference between "few love her" and "none praise her" as the notion that none praise her?
So obvious and so easy to be quench't And not as feeling through all parts diffus'd That she might look at will through every pore?
So the writer seems very determined to tell the story in a way that depicts God as acting not capriciously but according to certain clear standards of justice.
So, he writes: To the psychologist alone can such questions occur as: Why do we smile when pleased and not scowl?
So we want to have constructive interference to form a bond, where as if we had destructive interference, we would not be forming a bond.
That's misleading because it really doesn't matter when you buy the stock, so you're not supposed to, as a broker, sell dividends.
Now you the smart human with just gut instincts probably would not be so naive as to start from the left and work your way forward.
So it seems to me "The argument from recycling," as I call it, is not successful either.
Because Albert Einstein, who I had on my wall,as a undergrad he meant so much to me, not only we both play the violin, the most brilliant mind and intelligence in the 20th century.
So I took it as my role not to keep decisions away from him, but if they were important enough, to make sure that he had, he, the president, not a compromise, he the president had the oppotunity to make decisions among his cabinet officers, and he did.
So I would say that anything on the Upper East Side tends to be not as accessible.