So let me go back up here, and I'm going to comment out that region, and let's uncomment this region.
so I'm able to come down here and go for a skate.
So we're going to go through a thermodynamic cycle, and here's what I want to calculate when we do this.
So here we have an example but I want to go back to the generality and to a bit of formalism.
I'm just going to go over a few of the main points here So, the first is that what we're going over notes today and also on Monday, the exam material ends at the end lecture notes from lecture 9.
OK, that's not so bad. Moving a stack of size 2 if I want to go there, I need to put this one temporarily over here so I can move the bottom one before I move it over.
There are nine keys for my left thumb alone so I'm kind of switching between these on the back here and many others, and because of that I can go very high and I'll just demonstrate that.
s1 I have a variable called s1 and it's char * of type char * so here we go.
I might point out that the way the Greeks did their immigration into Asia Minor actually had a pattern so that you can go from north to south and you will find some consistency. Here's what I mean.
All right, so you're going to go to here; so this point here is... I can't even write this.
So putting that all together, I know that it must go through here again, and once again, i get a straight line.
So now, instead of having p external p2 equals to p2 here, I put p1 and I let this whole thing go reversibly.
So, I congratulate you of being here in this class, MIT this is really good solid foundation for whatever you go on to do, here at MIT.
Okay. So here we're going to go-- The gentleman in the orange shirt-- I hate to do this to you but we've got thirty seconds.
I'm going to go there initially, so I can move this over here, so I can get the base part of that over there, I want to put that one there before I put this over here, finally I get to the point where I can move the bottom one over now I've got to be really careful to make sure that I don't cover up the bottom one in the wrong way before I get to the stage where I wish they were posts and there you go.
And so with this example here, I thought I'd propose that we consider exactly how you'd go about tackling something like this.
Good question. Actually, I've got to get rid of this candy, so since it was a good question, here you go. Nice catch. Almost. Sorry. OK. No, I'm not. I'm sorry. I thought you had it, and then I've got the wrong glasses on and I realized you didn't, so I will, ah come back to that later.
So I'm going to go over here, and I'm going to type test search-- I can type and if you look at your handout, it's just a sequence of tests that I'm going to do OK. So initially, I'm going to set up the list to be the first million integers.