That was it. We decided.. I mean we are just talking about when you speak privately, you can be so much more open and so much more grave about things.
But it's good for me. It's... And it makes me appreciate coming home so much more, so it's good.
This is the doom which Adam fell into, ; this is the fallen condition to which we've all been consigned; but the passage is so much more complicated than that because good and evil seem to have been mixed up in the apple before the Fall.
But with this example alone can you realize -- that with some more exercise of thoughts and intelligent-- I don't wanna say intelligent design here, intelligent design can you actually solve this problem so much more efficiently and just as correctly.
Actually, the automobile insurance is more important than the homeowners' insurance, even though homes are so much more valuable, because--I think that's because cars move and they drive around and they bump into each other.
So much more important than historical verifiability is the conviction of the ancient Israelites who received and venerated these traditions, and developed them, and embellished them, that God had once acted on their behalf, rescuing them from bondage, binding them to himself in an eternal covenant.
And later on, when we stop giving ourselves the permission to be human when the become so important, we begin to realize that other people are watching us and evaluating us constantly and we think they do so much more than they actually do.
so it's much, much harder to run the ball because there're so much more chance and opposition.
But it just means there's so much more space and there's so much more light
New York City is so much more fast-paced and it's busy.
So we see that I've doubled the size of the vector but I've much more than doubled the number of calls.
So we expect overtime for there to be much more collaborations and potentially much more innovation.
About 80% of the cyanide at that point is gone, so it does render the root much more safe.
So because so much popular music and particularly rock music has those chords in root position we can track them more readily.
And so when you start to do this, you can now have a much more portion of your IT spending dedicated to maintenance and sustaining.
It's much more serious and strange. Okay. So that's enough on Eliot.