So what that means is that's how much energy we would have to put into a hydrogen molecule in order to get it to split apart into its two atoms.
So, the system that gets designed in order to implement the cruise control
Within the visible range of what we can see, you also want to know this relative order that's pretty easy -- most of us have memorized that in kindergarten, so that should be fine.
So in fact, what does that suggest about the order of growth here? What is the complexity of this? Yeah. Logarithmic. Why?
So, in order to have fast transmission you do that by transmitting electrical signals; that happens pretty quickly.
所以 为了使信号迅速地传播,细胞使用电信号,它速度非常快
So in order to try to eliminate that stigma they made it a penalty rate.
So let's ask ourselves, "Are there things that we need to appeal to the soul in order to explain these things about us?"
So why am I working hard in order to get that BCG job?
And what the second point of Aufbau says is that as electrons begin to fill those levels the differences in energy may shift so that in an unoccupied state certain levels may be in the inverse order from how they are in the occupied state.
So if you were starving and you really needed energy, that is your body needed calories, it needed usable energy in order to survive, the broccoli's not going to do you much good and the brownie would be terrific.
So, my three priorities and my focus areas are in that order.
Really there's no work to be done if I am handed all in sorted order so, you know, There's no work to be done if I'm handed all of the arrays in sorted order so, you know, if I demand that you give me this assumption that the cups are already sorted and then I'll sort them for you, I mean, this is kind of a cyclical argument.
Ephebeia So the ephebate, or the ephebeia, was this institution that every boy had to go through in order then to be a full citizen of a city.
If we have a higher z effective, it's pulled in tighter, we have to put in more energy in order to eject an electron, so it turns out that that's why case 2 is actually the lowest energy that we need to put in.
So a vaccine is designed in order to engage that biology, in order to provide antigens that will stimulate specifically your immune system.
所以疫苗的作用就是参与这个生理活动,提供抗原 来刺激你的免疫系统
So the correct answer for titanium plus two Ar3d2 is going to be argon 3 d 2, whereas if we did not rearrange our order here 4s2 we might have been tempted to write as 4 s 2 so keep that in mind when you're doing the positive ions of corresponding atoms.
My point here was only to say we shouldn't be so quick to think that we have to believe in the existence of a soul in order to explain our having free will.
So I merged them. It's now in the right order, and that's coming from right there.
One is that you got to get the vaccine from cows, so you got to have an infected cow in order to produce the vaccine.
The reason it's aluminum is because aluminum has a lower z effective, so it's not being pulled in as tightly by the nucleus, and if it's not being pulled in as tightly, you're going to have to put in less energy in order to ionize it, so that's why it's actually going to have the smaller ionization energy.
If God gathers up all those small molecules, that had composed my body, reassembles them in the right order and put these calci molecules next to that hydrogen molecules, so forth and so on, reassembles them in a right way.
I feel like I have to introduce concepts like variance and co-variance and correlation in order to talk about finance; so that's what we'll do in Lecture Two.
I don't actually know exactly what it would take, but you just cut off and snip the relevant nerve endings so that we're no longer able to engage in that higher order thinking.
Now why? When I put this class together, I didn't think to myself, "Ok, so what are the things that I need to introduce ?" in order to please the participants in the class, the students?"
In order for a more or less just society to remind me of justice itself, so that I can start thinking about the nature of justice itself, I have to somehow have already been acquainted with perfect justice.
So, which has the smallest energy that you have to put in in order to eject this electron?
And so we are going to use that in order to construct some energy level diagrams.
So you could use sort of negative selection in order to find the ones that you want.
So maybe that's why we need to believe in souls in order to explain free will.