assert One of the most important things we do is we use assert statements so that we catch problems early.
It is very important that everybody contributes so that we can learn from each other
So that we take very quickly the tedium out of-- what is otherwise-- could be a very repetitive process.
Again, we'll arrange for this, but you need to give us enough warning so that we can deal with that.
So, what we can do instead of talking about the ionization energy, z because that's one of our known quantities, so that we can find z effective.
However evil those books are in and of themselves, we have to read them so that we might see and know and yet abstain.
We need to change to a different business model so that we can come up with better technology, and the better search technology can be appreciated by the market.
We have to invent a process, a chemical extraction process that will make the production of magnesium cheaper so that we will have the opportunity to avail ourselves of energy-efficient materials.
Because what I am saying here is "let's not study the average", let's study the top five percent so that we can understand the phenomenon better.
sure there are differences. We see that our manuscripts are not exactly like those fragments, but there is a remarkable degree, a high degree of correspondence so that we really can speak of a relatively stable textual tradition but still some fluidity.
We want there to be souls so that we can be immortal.
We do this in the undergraduate Biomedical Engineering laboratory in the Malone Building so that we can do demonstrations and sort of hands on projects to really get a little bit deeper into the subject that we're considering.
And all we are competent therefore to decoil pose and recoil pose these elements of learning, so that we are still consistent with all those purposes, both explicate and implicit, of an educational environment.
So what we want to do now is to begin to think about counting measures, and we're going to do this by staying with this piece of Louis Armstrong here, and we need to be able to count measures so that we can figure out the syntax of music.
They say it, so that we don't have to and we laugh our heads off.
I mean we haven't, we don't really have a second version which is constantly... So I guess for most of last school year I just worked on scaling and kind of trying to make it keep up with the increasing load and trying to make it so that we can expand more, adding more schools.