I was given two weeks and one other programmer in Biz Stone to write the software. And we did it.
My parents thought I'd lost my mind to drop out of Stanford Business School to go join some company that made software.
We also have simulations, software tools and many other learning objects that is in the site.
It is internet accessible so you can access it most anywhere anytime and you can also access tools and software and tricks that the staff have made available.
And the only way that you can get it to work is to rent the software from them. You can't actually buy, you have to rent it from there.
Americans look at it as a problem, because we are losing jobs too like you mentioned, Indian engineers, software engineers.
Because you can hire someone who is a software engineer and he's been doing it for 10 years and if they're doing it for 10 years that's probably what they're doing for their life, you know, and I mean that's cool.
My mom may take a taxicab in New York City and may touch my software or buy a ticket to Alcatraz and may touch my software.
The whole problem with the personality theory is that personality is a bit like a software.
This is the stock quotes. This is an anti-virus software.
We make software; we make technology; we're innovative ,but so are they So, what we really have to do is become a lot more productive and we have to make our companies a lot more competitive. Today, I feel we're losing that edge.
If it is a lab it will include the lab instructions and often all the tools if there are software tools that are needed for that lab.
The kinds of things that are going to be invented over the next several years is just to me outstanding, and particularly for somebody who's got skills in software.
But it turns out that on Macs and if you have the right software on PCs, you can kind of get a teaser of what this environment tends to look like and be forewarned, what you're about to see is intentionally very underwhelming.
I want my child to be all of the world in real life, and I want them to be all of the world when they use the software, what`s out there?"
I have personal experience dealing with these Indian software engineers in the middle of the night.