They might say for that sort of music: "All right. We're now going to have a thirty-two-bar solo.
We'll sit on the dominant chord for eight beats and I will look over and everybody else will come back in at the end of Chris's solo."
It's a wonderful clarinet solo by someone named Johnny Dodds long dead of course- but it's one of the most beautiful, incredible clarinet solos you'll ever want to hear.
So we're going to hear a solo by Louis Armstrong now and let's count along once the phrase begins. I'll get you started and then you count the measures. Here we go.
Let's go back and hear another solo.
How long is this solo?
So let's listen to a track here, a sax solo and I am going to try to keep-- make some sense out of this-- because it gets more and more complex-- by following the electric bass underneath so let's listen to an old tape.